Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Home grown in a bag.

This year I decided that I would try and grow a couple of vegetables.  I used have a patch at mum's back home where we would grow a selection of veg.  However these days the garden area only permits growbags or perhaps a raised bed.  I had bought a tarp growbag last year and only dug it out this year to give it a go.

I think I was a little ambitious as to how much I could grow, as I stuck potato, carrot and cauliflower into the bag.  What I didn't plan for was night time nibblers! The whole place is walled and fenced except for one bit, which would be quite an obstacle course for a rabbit or a hare.  However it seems that it may have been determined whatever it was. 

So I ended up having to buy wire fence and just to be extra sure, I bought avian fencing, with the idea it would protect the seedlings.  It worked wonders and even my parsley has recovered from the nibblers, although all but one Cauliflower survived.   Which is probably just as well, because it's gigantic.  I call it my mutant cauliflower, I've grown some before, but never have they been so leafy and big.

As you can see, it's the boss of the bag!  I've lifted half the potatoes, some of which were a decent size, which were bigger than I thought they would be considering.  You can just see a couple of stalks to the right.  Hiding on the left under the leaves are some carrots, but they must have been a poor lot of seeds as only a few grew.  Or maybe I'm just out of practice!
In the blue box on the right are some leeks which appear to be doing quite well, first time I've grown them and I've a long wait until they will be ready.

We had forgotten how good new potatoes tasted.  As you can see the wee furball has to be in the picture because he helped and everything is so interesting!!  I think we will harvest the rest in September when our guests arrive.

I know to some this is little attempt is laughable.  It seems silly to me too, but with no plot and forever moving house it is the only option for me to try.

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