There's nothing I hate more than getting a chip in my favourite plate. I've always thrown the said dish away when this happens. However this is my one and only dinner set! It's also just to groovy and I adore it.
After much searching on google, I came to the conclusion that my best option to fill the hole left, way epoxy putty aka Milliput. I chose the Superfine white. Perhaps I shuld have added some paint in with hindsight as it's a bit whiter than the dish. But I followed the mixing instructions and it mixed and hardened perfectly.
Now my problem is how to glaze it. I did a vase I picked up for a euro in the charity store at the same time. I can just varnish that and I think it will be ok, but first I will need some gold paint as you can see in the picture above. But the plate I'm toying with the idea of enamel if I can find the right colour, as I'm afraid the varnish will flake off. Perhaps it will sit there for another 2 years before I get around to it again (I hope not)!
I'm open to suggestions as what to do next to give an almost perfect finish.
I have plenty Milliput left and it seems to have a multiple uses, so it may come in useful in another crafty or practical way.