Whilst the first attempt at canvas painting went kind of alright. I thought I would have another attempt. Well I am beginning to wonder, if perhaps I am a bit ambitious or just a little impatient. For the second one I decided on doing a cockerel, on paper it would be a doddle, with my other paints. I'm starting to wish I chosen a different subject.
I keep telling myself just to keep at it and build on it, that it'll be worth it in the end. Although it is now a bit further on, than pictured above. I wanted to go at it some more, however the light wasn't right. There have been too many dull days and for some reason I can't quite work the colours with the indoor lights on. Perhaps I need new glasses.
I haven't decided yet whether to keep it to a white background or fill it in. I suppose I'll see how I feel once it's done ~ whenever that may be.
I can safely say there will be nothing ambitious for the large canvas that's left, or even the smallest one for that matter!